Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Cops seek "Indiana Jones"

Malaysian authorities don't agree with American Philip Greco about what constitutes "household goods." When they opened some freight containers of his headed for Dubai, they found swords, drums, antique weapons, and other things they didn't think he should be shipping out of the country.

Reading the top part of this article by Wani Muthiah in The Star (of Malaysia), one might think that Mr. Greco is only being sought to "help solve a case related to those artefacts" or that he is merely needed "to help local authorities authenticate some items."

Reading down -- and getting past the reassurances that the authorities are only interested in the "heritage items" found in the siezed containers -- one finds that Greco is "wanted by the Customs Department for false declaration and by the police for possession of serviceable firearms."

Greco is said to be a permanent resident of Malaysia under something called the "Malaysia My Second Home programme."

Perhaps he should consider becoming an ex-resident?

Just a thought.

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