Monday, July 02, 2007

Justin Katz: Moral compass swings to nihilistic pole

re: "...In the worldview of modern conservatism, a basic insistence on morality, founded most fundamentally in the right to life, is what permits freedom. The principles that this worldview suggests are meant to structure society such that its various interests can remain in healthy balance without government interference, enabling government — with its powers of compulsion and susceptibility to corruption — to remain limited in its scope. Moral behavior ought to be enforced through the pressures of responsibility, and the alternative to an insistence on self-reliance and personal restraint is an allowance of public dictation, of regulation of our every decision. /In a society with nigh upon unlimited rights to abortion, the single greatest and most universal responsibility, parenthood, may be rejected with the need to develop neither a mature approach to the behavior that initiates it nor restraint of a primal urge. The untrammeled availability of this filicidal biological “undo” creates a mindset that begets conclusion after conclusion that nothing has consequences of such magnitude that rationalizations and modern science cannot dispel them. /For these reasons, I just don’t think that I would be able to reason my way around to voting for a presidential candidate who is not pro-life..."...

hat tip: National Review Online

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