Monday, January 08, 2007

Amniotic Stem Cells Could Alter Embryonic Stem Cell Research Debate

re: "Winston Salem, NC ( -- Scientists have been able to successfully manipulate stem cells found in the amniotic fluid of a pregnant woman that have many properties of embryonic stem cells. The finding could alter the debate on the controversial research by giving scientists another source of cells that don't involve the destruction of human life to obtain...[snip]...Anthony Atala, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine told the Washington Post, "They grow fast, as fast as embryonic stem cells, and they show great pluripotentiality," which means they can become various types of tissues./ They are also easier to maintain in a laboratory than embryonic stem cells and don't pose some of the same transplant concerns that embryonic stem cells do. The embryonic cells, which can only be obtained by destroying a days-old unborn child, have caused tumors when injected into animals in experiments...."...

hat tip: The Alliance Alert

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