Thursday, January 25, 2007

Union Told Me to Pay Dues or Change Religion, Teacher Says -- 01/25/2007

re: "( - Told by a union official to pay forced dues or "change religions," a teacher in southern Ohio is challenging a state law that allows only those public employees who belong to certain denominations the right to claim religious objection to paying union dues./Carol Katter, a mathematics and language arts instructor in the St. Marys district, filed a federal complaint in the U.S. District Court in Columbus this week over an Ohio law that prevents the lifelong Catholic from diverting her dues from a union she refuses to fund because it supports abortion on demand...[snip]..."I had never belonged to a teacher's union [because] I know where NEA money goes, and I knew I never wanted to be a part of that," Katter said. "When it became mandatory last year, we were told our dues could go to a charity./"However, she later learned that members of only two religions receive the charity exception. "If you're a Seventh-Day Adventist or a Mennonite, you're pretty well covered" because unions "don't hassle them at all" due to those denominations' history of objection to union membership, she said..."...

hat tip: The Alliance Alert

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