Friday, April 20, 2007

Feminists for Life President Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling Upholding the Ban on Partial Birth Abortion

re: "Alexandria, VA, April 18, 2007 _ Feminists for Life of America President Serrin M. Foster said she hopes today’s U.S. Supreme Court partial birth abortion ban ruling will draw attention to the reasons why any woman would feel driven to accept this particularly heinous form of abortion. /“Often women who have late-term abortions are those who hide their pregnancies from family, friends and the father of the child, hoping that if they wait long enough, they will be supported in having their child,” Foster said. “Because Roe only allows abortion up to three months, many don’t realize that the parallel 1973 court decision, Doe, allows abortion for any reason until the end of pregnancy.” /“This is a procedure that hurts women,” Foster said. “After three days of intense, forced labor, the doctors stop the delivery, kill the child by stabbing it in the back of the head, drain the baby’s brains, and discard the baby. At the end of this procedure, the woman has an empty womb, empty arms and a hole in her heart.” / “We all must create a society where no woman will feel driven to abortion,” Foster said. “As feminists we believe that society needs to provide resources and support for pregnant women, and for parenting men and women.” / “Women deserve better than abortion,” Foster said..."...

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