Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ruling: Talk Radio Has Free Speech Too

re: "RUSH: The Washington state Supreme Court -- big news here -- said in an opinion released yesterday morning that a couple of talk show hosts at station KVI in Seattle did not need -- one of these guys, this is John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur. I know both of these guys. Carlson a great guy. They were sued. They were told that their show was an in-kind advertisement for politicians and issues that they supported. "The state Supreme Court in an opinion said that the two guys did not need to report their advocacy for an anti-gas tax campaign as an in-kind political contribution. The court has reinstated a countersuit filed by the No New Gas Tax campaign against local governments that initially sued." This opinion was unanimous...[snip]...They all said that the case showed a disregard for core freedoms of speech and association. This is huge. This is a huge ruling, and it is very, very important because the Washington Supreme Court has held that radio talk shows do not constitute in-kind political donations and happily the First Amendment still holds, ladies and gentlemen, even in the era of McCain-Feingold..."...

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