Tuesday, April 03, 2007

California Bar Journal : Dog maul lawyers out of bar

re: "Two key players in San Francisco’s notorious fatal dog-mauling case have lost their licenses to practice. Marjorie Knoller resigned from the bar with charges pending in January and her husband, Robert Noel, was disbarred in February. /Both were convicted in 2002 of involuntary manslaughter and owning a mischievous animal causing death after their huge Presa Canarios attacked and mauled a resident of their San Francisco apartment building. The case captured headlines for months as its bizarre developments unfolded / ...[snip]... / The State Bar placed Knoller and Noel on interim suspension in 2002, following their convictions. Knoller’s resignation from the bar came while disciplinary charges were still pending against her. Noel was disbarred because he violated the terms of the probation imposed when he was suspended... [snip]... /In making her recommendation, State Bar Court Judge Pat McElroy never mentioned the dog-mauling case, but wrote simply that Noel “has demonstrated an unwillingness to comply with the professional obligations and rules of court imposed on California attorneys.”..."...

hat tip: OpinionJournal

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