Monday, April 02, 2007

Joust The Facts: Vote Fraud Sophistry

re: "...Republicans, in general, are concerned not only that every vote counts, but that those that count should in fact be counted, because they are cast by living, breathing, voting age human United States citizens, that live in the district where they are voting, that haven't voted anywhere else previously in the same election, and who are making their choices freely. Democrats are concerned that efforts to rigidly verify each of those qualifiers might prevent someone who has difficulty with documentation, language or financial arrangements necessary to procure documentation from voting. / Both views are legitimate, and one would hope that we could devise a system where no citizen who wishes to do so is prevented - for whatever reason - from voting, while no person ineligible, due to one of the reasons listed above, is capable of defeating the system and voting illegally. It does not help the discussion when one side dismisses the concerns of the other side as so much fluff. And yet, that is exactly what..."...

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