Tuesday, April 03, 2007

WorldNetDaily: A rabbi's warning to U.S. Christians

re: Rabbi Daniel Lapin: "...Considerably more intellectual energy is being pumped into the propaganda campaign against Christianity than was ever delivered to the anti-smoking or anti-drunk-driving campaigns. Fervent zealots of secularism are flinging themselves into this anti-Christian war with enormous fanaticism. /If they succeed, Christianity will be driven underground, and its benign influence on the character of America will be lost. In its place we shall see a sinister secularism that menaces Bible believers of all faiths. Once the voice of the Bible has been silenced, the war on Western Civilization can begin and we shall see a long night of barbarism descend on the West. / Without a vibrant and vital Christianity, America is doomed, and without America, the West is doomed. / Which is why I, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, devoted to Jewish survival, the Torah and Israel am so terrified of American Christianity caving in. /Many of us Jews are ready to stand with you. But you must lead. You must replace your timidity with nerve and your diffidence with daring and determination. You are under attack. Now is the time to resist it."...

(mentions Jean-Francois Revel's 1983 book "How Democracies Perish.")

hat tip: Cheat Seeking Missiles, via The Alliance Alert for April 3, 2007.

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