Saturday, June 30, 2007

Missing the forest; missing the trees « Bookworm Room

re: "...I got sidetracked from my original idea for a Fairness Doctrine post, however, when I followed a Matt Drudge link entitled “Pelosi ’solidly’ behind getting Fairness Doctrine back…” That link took me to this post at a website called Seeing the Forest : A web magazine investigating how the Right is beating the Dems. The website is written from the liberal perspective (one of the authors identifies himself as “a left-wing Democrat with a strong aversion for conservative trolls”), so it must be understood as a serious effort to advance liberal political beliefs and counter what it sees as the conservative ideology’s perplexing refusal to go away and die in quiet. /After I read the specific post to which Drudge directed me, a post that summarizes a chat liberal bloggers had with Nancy Pelosi, it struck me that Liberals may be suffering from Purloined Letter syndrome, in that, even though it’s right in front of them, they don’t see the answer to their own question. The problem isn’t that conservatives have such good ideas; it’s that Democrats have such bad ideas. To demonstrate that point, I’ve selected portions of the Pelosi interview, and interlineated my comments about why liberals might not be winning as many friends and influencing as many people as they believe they ought..."...

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