Tuesday, June 19, 2007

OpinionJournal - It's Not Enough to Be 'Wanted'

re: (subhead: Illegitimacy has risen despite--indeed, because of--legal abortion) John R. Lott, Jr., "The abortion debate usually centers on the morality of the act itself. But liberalizing abortion rules from 1969 to 1973 ignited vast social changes in America. With the perennial political debate over abortion again consuming the presidential campaign and the Supreme Court, it might be time to evaluate what Roe v. Wade has meant in practical terms..."...

1 comment:

Christina Dunigan said...

Abortion advocates have known this for decades:

Christopher Tietze, "The Effect of Legalization of Abortion on Population Growth and Public Health," Family Planning Perspective, May/June 1975

Kristin Luker, "Contraceptive Risk Taking and Abortion," Studies in Family Planning, August 1977