Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Of course the Russians did it. They’re the experts -Times Online

re: "...None of this is to speak too harshly of the efforts of MI5, MI6 or the CIA. It is merely a reflection of the asymmetric struggle between intelligence agencies in democratic and totalitarian societies. Penetrating regimes that are run on a premise of domestic terror requires really painstaking and risk-laden effort. Finding out what goes on in open democracies? Not so much. /The Lugovoy-Litvinenko saga underscores the fact that this basic imbalance has not changed in the 16 years since we won the Cold War. We remain, paradoxically, the victim of our own freedoms, which they exploit ruthlessly – including, as yesterday, leading along a fabulously credulous media. They remain, paradoxically, secure in their own paranoia and insecurity. /It’s partly why I think Vladimir Putin is so nostalgic for another Cold War. He worked for the KGB, remember, and in hard intelligence terms those were heady days for their side..."...

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