Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nazarene Communications Network - Project Caleb has Latin-American faith revisiting its European roots

re: Lisa Koster, "The vision began with a Kingdom question in 2004. / The late Bruno Radi, then regional director for South America, and Gustavo Crocker, regional director for Eurasia, met in Italy that summer where Radi raised the question, “How can we channel the movement of God, who is calling hundreds of young Latin Americans for missionary work but who do not have opportunities for service?” The question, said Crocker, “is matched by the reality that there are fields in Eurasia where gifted young volunteers from Latin America could come and reach the countries that, centuries ago, sent the gospel to their land.” / The discussion resulted in The Caleb Project, developed by the Eurasia Region and presented to Radi and Christian Sarmiento (both former regional directors in South America and Mexico/Central America), who embraced and supported it. The idea was to mobilize Latin American young adults so they could serve as volunteers in places like Italy, Spain, and Portugal—the lands of their ancestors. The church in southwestern Europe, where most of Latin American young adults can trace their origins, is experiencing considerable decline while the church in Latin America is in the midst of a widespread revival. / The Caleb Project also provides a way for South and Central America to send missionaries through a new paradigm that will increase the ability of the Church to reach its goal of making every country a sending country..."...

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