Monday, June 04, 2007

RI Catholic: Without a Doubt: MY R.S.V.P to Rudy Giuliani

re: Bishop Thomas J. Tobin: "...Okay, let’s ask Mayor Giuliani to think about his position for a minute. / Hey Rudy, you say that you believe abortion is morally wrong. Why do you say that, Rudy; why do you believe that abortion is wrong? Is abortion the killing of an innocent child? Is it an offense against human dignity? Is it a cruel and violent act? Does it harm the woman who has the abortion? And if your answer to any of these questions is yes, Rudy, why would you permit people to . . . kill an innocent child, offend human dignity, commit a cruel and violent act or do harm to the mother? This is in the name of choice? Huh? / Rudy’s preposterous position is compounded by the fact that he professes to be a Catholic. As Catholics, we are called, indeed required, to be pro-life, to cherish and protect human life as a precious gift of God from the moment of conception until the time of natural death. As a leader, as a public official, Rudy Giuliani has a special obligation in that regard. /In The Gospel of Life, Pope John Paul made the obligation to defend human life very explicit..."...

hat tip: The Alliance Alert

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