Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Corner : re: Die Kinder

re: Kathryn Jean Lopez, following this Mark Steyn post, writes : "Since that first dump-here box — not for pay, mind you — showed up in Germany (hospitals, train stations...). I've felt mildly guilty as fellow pro-lifers complained to me, don't you want to save the life of the child? Well, of course I do. But it's not that simple. Kids aren't library books or Blockbuster rentals. And there are other, more constructive and long-term-beneficial ways to help a desperate mom. Because guess what? She may not have to change diapers for the kid after she dumps the child, but she'll still have given birth and though drugs or alcohol may dull the pain of regret for a while she can never can't fully dump that reality. / Yes, we need to save the kids — every last one we can save, every day. But we need to save our civilization too."

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