Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Touchstone Magazine - Mere Comments: Where Nietzsche was Right

re: S. M. Hutchens writes, "I have been troubled in recent days by the shade of Nietzsche. When years ago I read Der Antichrist, it struck me that what he said about the shameful and unnatural weakness of Christians had a great deal of truth in it, truth with which I would someday have to come to grips. I have lived my life in a religious milieu where the scorn the philosopher heaps upon us is to a significant degree justified. There has been something very wrong about the way the gospel is so often interpreted among us—wrong because it is not the will of God that we be the weak and passive things, the welcomers of shame and of death and of inferiority and imperfection that we so frequently are, the excuse being that we are put into this world to decrease and die. For while it is true that we are here to die, we are put here first to live..."...

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